Niagara Falls


So here is how it’s going to go.

Not to the surprise of anyone Twitter is having its issues. Whether it’s the breaking of APIs (it seems the API used for LinkedIn went dead today with a capital X), or the poorly conceived feature roll-outs more and more individuals are vacating the platform. I, however, am not doing that, but I concede the point that having to cross-post everything is a pain. Therefore, some consolidation is in order.

I plan on continuing to maintain my Microdaks blog. The original idea when I first launched it was to give my sports rants, my sports opinions right or wrong, a home. However, I resisted the urge to come up with a sports centric theme to the name, and decided on Microdaks. Why? Simply because it is nonsensical. It could mean anything. It is said that when founder Hans Wilsdorf came up with the name Rolex in the early part of the last century he wanted something simple, short, and could be said in any language. I’m not sure if I believe all of the story regarding a genie whispering the name in his ear while on horseback, but let the legends have their tales.

For me it was somewhat similar. I thought that I might want to expand on the new site and, if the occasion ever arose where I wanted to include content other than sports the opportunity was there. I just never thought it would be because an eccentric billionaire would tear down a social media platform, but you live and learn.

So I plan on consolidating my writing just a bit. I will still post over at Sibylline in my Reddit area (please feel free to comment over there), I’ll still write some sports related content, and I will be expanding out some of the same posts on Microdaks.

At the end of the day it’s still six of one and half dozen of another. It might be a cliche but it’s often true.

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